Thursday, January 17, 2008

In the beginning was the word ...

Well hello and greetings! Decided to join the information autobahn and start posting my random musings for all and sundry to see.

I guess what made me want to start writing is that at the moment I'm on elective. (For those unfamiliar with the ins and outs of medical education, it's the time that medical students get off, usually near the end of the course, from teaching and are able to choose where to go for 2 or 3 months - as long as it's vaguely medical). I'm in very rural South India at the mo, in the only internet cafe for many miles, and I feel like I want to get some of the experiences down somewhere - it's so intense and wonderful and so many things that I hoped to be able to share some of that. Who knows, I may forever be condemned to Google obscurity.

Anyway, hey to you all, dear reader, if you are there. Enjoy.

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