Monday, July 21, 2008

A shadow

I am shadowing the doctor I will be taking over from in 2 weeks. She's from Eastern Europe and says she is shocked every day at the dirt of the hospital.

Best quotes: My new consultant - "What's the most important thing for this patient? Placement. Ever read "The House of God"?"

The F2: "The most important thing you will learn is what to do with the dying."

Wondering what to do with a patient with strange symptoms - F1 - "Get House on the phone." Registrar - "Oh, he'll just say it's lupus." F1: "It could always be lupus."
Also, I found out I am on call on my first day, next Wednesday, which means that I will be clerking patients in from A&E, and carrying the cardiac arrest bleep. Dear God! I am nowhere near old enough for this! I just don't know how to prepare for it.

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